Create Scroll


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Create Scroll

Create Scroll

Create Scroll is available in a spirit magic and a sorcery version. This spell cannot be used to store divine magic spell.

Spirit magic spell signature: 1 point (Memorization Only), Ritual (Enchantment), Passive

Sorcery spell signature: Ritual (Enchantment), Passive

Spell Description

Create Scroll enables a mage to inscribe a spell on any portable object suitable for writing on. Examples of such objects are clay tablets, papyrus scrolls, stone slabbs, pieces of bark (such as strips of birch-bark) and vellum. The spell can be inscribed in any script desired, using as many or few symbols as suits the mage. When the spell is inscribed on the host object a word of command must be embedded in the script, this command can be symbolized by a single symbol or letter, or it could be spelled out in verbatim.

The spell which is to be inscribed must be cast on the script as a part of the Create Scroll ritual, if the spell is cast a second time, the energy needed to fuel the spell is also stored in the inscription. If the mage opts out of this last part the energey needed to fuel the spell is taken from the user of the scroll, and that regardless of wheter he currently has the MP nedded to fuel the spell or not… The spell can be cast on the inscription by someone else than the mage who is performing the ritual. A sorcery spell can be manipulated so that range and duration, etc. is increased as per normal sorcery spells. These manipulations must be recorded by the player when the scroll is created. The mage must sacrifice one point of permanent POW to store the magic in the script, more POW can be used to set conditions if desired.

Spririt magic scrolls work like spirit magic spells in general, they have the users MP x 5% chance of working. Sorcery scrolls use the skill level of the caster; the chance of the spell going of is equal to the lowest skill level among all skills involved. When the spell has been released the inscription fades away. If the spell stored in the scroll fails and the spell was unfueled the scroll still draws one MP from the caster after which the inscription fades away, if the spell was fuelled the inscription just fades away.

If the host object is destroyed, e.g. in a fire, the spell inscribed is lost. The user of a magic scroll needn’t be able to acctually read the inscription to use the scroll but he does need to know the word of command that activates the scroll.

The user of a spell scroll needn’t be able to read the inscription but he must know the word of command used to activate the spell. Many scrolls are provided with the energy needed to fuel the spell, but some are not, thus it might be dangerous to read a ancient scroll which has been detected as magical because if the spell needs more MP than the reader has availabe the reader collapses and falls unconscious.

« Create Magic Potion | Ritual Magic | »

Sidan senast ändrad 2005-04-11 kl. 18:44

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